Keerthivasan, Raghuram Balaji and Sundar Chokkalingam tied for the 1st Place. But Keerthivasan won the Title by better Buchholz than the other two players.
Top 10 Final Standings(Total Rounds 7):
1.K.Keerthivasan(6), 2.C.V.Raghuram Balaji(6), 3.G.Sundar Chokkalingam(6), 4.V.K.Viekash(5), 5.R.Saiganesh(5), 6.V.Abilaash(5), 7.R.Suresh Kumar(5), 8.S.V.Rohit Krishna(5), 9.N.Arvind(4), 10.V.K.Vidula(4)
Category Winners!
U-7 Winner:R.Adithi, U-9 Winner:A.Barath,U-11 Winner:A.Abishek
Top 10 Final Standings(Total Rounds 7):
1.K.Keerthivasan(6), 2.C.V.Raghuram Balaji(6), 3.G.Sundar Chokkalingam(6), 4.V.K.Viekash(5), 5.R.Saiganesh(5), 6.V.Abilaash(5), 7.R.Suresh Kumar(5), 8.S.V.Rohit Krishna(5), 9.N.Arvind(4), 10.V.K.Vidula(4)
Category Winners!
U-7 Winner:R.Adithi, U-9 Winner:A.Barath,U-11 Winner:A.Abishek