CCA Internal Monthly Blitz-Feb 2014

Keerthivasan, Raghuram Balaji and Sundar Chokkalingam tied for the 1st Place. But Keerthivasan won the Title by better Buchholz than the other two players.

Top 10 Final Standings(Total Rounds 7):
1.K.Keerthivasan(6), 2.C.V.Raghuram Balaji(6), 3.G.Sundar Chokkalingam(6), 4.V.K.Viekash(5), 5.R.Saiganesh(5), 6.V.Abilaash(5), 7.R.Suresh Kumar(5), 8.S.V.Rohit Krishna(5), 9.N.Arvind(4), 10.V.K.Vidula(4)
Category Winners!
U-7 Winner:R.Adithi, U-9 Winner:A.Barath,U-11 Winner:A.Abishek