Viekash won the Internal November monthly Blitz championship. Keerthivasan, Sundar, Arvind finished 2nd 3rd & 4th respectively. All the top 4 players were scored 5 points. But Viekash had better buchholz points than others.
Top 10 players: 1. V.K.Viekash(5), 2. K.Keerthivasan(5), 3. Sundar(5), 4. N.Arvind(5), 5. L.R.Srihari(4.5), 6. S.V.Rohitkrishna(4), 7. R.K.Jayalakshmi(4), 8. Vidula(4), 9.A.Abishek(4) and
10. Sriram(4)